Spring is the perfect time to give trees the attention they need to thrive. Hiring professionals for tree maintenance in Atlanta GA to assess winter damage ensures the trees are healthy all year long. Yet, homeowners should also do their part to maintain their trees. Here’s how.
Inspect the Trees
Take advantage of the beautiful spring weather to get outside and inspect trees in one’s yard. Look for signs of damage such as diseased limbs, dead wood, and lesions on leaves. If trees have considerable damage, call a tree service to prune away the dead parts.
Check the Moisture Levels
A common mistake people make is assuming they don’t need to water trees. They assume the trees in their yard get all the water they need from rain showers. While mature trees don’t need as much water, newly planted trees need to have their moisture levels monitored regularly. Local arborists help people determine the correct moisture levels for their trees.
Remove Weeds from Around the Tree’s Base
Weeds and other debris impede growth because they compete for nutrients. Removing weeds helps trees reach their full growth potential. Use non-chemical, eco-friendly weed killers on large areas. Otherwise, the best way to manage weeds is to remove them by hand.
Contact Local Tree Services for Expert Help
Homeowners don’t have to manage tree maintenance in Atlanta, GA alone. Work closely with a trusted tree service to keep trees healthy and thriving this year.