The Dentist in Waukesha WI Wants You to Know Your Options for Fillings

by | May 26, 2016 | Dental Health

When a tooth becomes decayed, a dentist will need to fill the tooth to prevent further damage. Without a filling put in place, the decay will continue to worsen until the point the tooth begins to die. Once necrosis sets in, the tooth will need to be extracted. This is why it is crucial people seek dental treatment from the Dentist in Waukesha WI. Prompt dental treatment will help to ensure a tooth can be saved.

Patients who see their dentist about decay now has more filling options than ever before. The first step in treating a cavity is removing the decay. Removing the decay is crucial for ensuring the progression of damage does not continue. The options for filling a tooth include:

* Amalgam fillings were once the filling of choice. Though they are not used as often as in the past, they are still being used today. This type of filling is comprised of different metals.

* Composite fillings are increasing in popularity because they are tooth-colored and blend in well with the teeth, so the repair is not so obvious. These fillings are made from a combination of glass, quartz, and resin. These are typically more expensive than amalgam and can become stained over a period of time.

* Glass ionomer fillings are tooth-colored and made of acrylic and glass. These fillings release fluoride into the teeth to help increase their strength and protect them from further damage.

* Resin ionomer fillings are similar to glass ionomer and are typically used for filling small cavities between the teeth. These fillings are also tooth-colored and blend in well with surrounding teeth.

* Custom-made fillings and inlays are also an option where the dentist creates the filling in a dental lab. Custom restorations usually take more than one visit to be completed.

If you are in need of a filling, it is important you see the Dentist in Waukesha WI. Call the office of Pewaukee Dental and ask them to schedule you an appointment right away. With prompt dental care, your smile health can be protected. They offer a wide range of dental services to keep your smile healthy and beautiful for life.

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