The Distinct Advantages of a Low Residency MFA in Painting Program

by | Nov 18, 2022 | Art And Design

A low-residency master of fine arts (MFA) program is generally intended for people with extensive experience in their craft who cannot participate in full-time education. A person who pursues a career in the art of creating paintings, for example, may be interested in this option. Completing a low residency MFA in painting provides further opportunities for gaining experience and opens new career possibilities.

Potential Benefits

A low residency MFA in painting can qualify the graduate to teach at a broad range of educational institutions. The degree also helps current teachers boost their pay rate. Graduates also become better qualified for higher-level positions at galleries and museums that have keen competition.

A Typical Schedule

A common feature of this type of program is remote study and practice through most of the year, paired with intensive summer residencies. This hybrid learning model is ideal for those who work full-time or have other ongoing obligations. Such individuals just need to be sure that they’ll have time in their schedule for the summer session, perhaps by taking a leave of absence from their work or by planning vacation time accordingly.

No Need to Relocate

The demands of life leave countless artists unable to even consider MFAs outside of Low-Res programs. Many also could not select a particular school because it would be very difficult to move to a different city or region. Low-Res programs open a world of possibilities to these artists, enabling them to apply to schools in which they’re most interested.

To learn about this type of opportunity at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, visit the website.

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