The Experience Of The Microblading Process: Why Working With A Professional In Dallas Makes A Difference

by | Nov 30, 2018 | Earticles Site

In the past, the only option for a non-makeup type of eyebrow enhancement was to undergo eyebrow tattooing. This is very similar to other types of tattooing and uses a needle-like tool shaped like a pen to insert small amounts of ink under the surface of the skin in the eyebrow area.

The concern with this type of process, which is provided by many salons and spas in Dallas, is that the result is often a thicker, heavier line that is actually not permanent but last only a few years. Exposure to the sun and the rate of skin cell turnover will also impact how these tattoos fade and become thicker in the shape of the lines over time.

A better option and one that provides a semi-permanent, natural look to the eyebrow is found in microblading. This is also offered at different specialty providers as well as salons, spas, and medispas in the Dallas area.

Creating Custom Eyebrow Shapes and Matching Colors

The microblading process involves scratching the surface of the skin in individual lines that represent eyebrow hairs. A pigment is then applied and absorbs into the skin of the scratch, creating the visible hair.

It is important to work with a professional who carefully creates the ideal eyebrow shape, and then also selects the right pigment color to match the skin tone, eye color, hair, and existing eyebrow hair. As the color naturally fades after it is applied, it is essential to choose a professional with a full understanding of how to complete the process and match the options to the client.

There is another reason why working with a professional specializing in microblading is so important. The process can create a painful experience if the right topical anesthesia is not applied to the brow area and allowed to numb the skin. To prevent this type of discomfort and pain in the process, experience and expertise by the artist completing the brows should always be a central factor when making a choice.

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