The Importance of Retaining a Skillful Probate Attorney in Houston, TX

by | Jan 23, 2023 | Estate Planning Attorney

When a loved one dies and leaves you in charge of his or her estate, you may feel unsure what steps to take next. You could face creditors that you must make payments to on your loved one’s behalf. Or you may have to distribute this person’s assets and money to heirs named in the estate.

If you want to simplify the process of executing this person’s estate, you may want to consider legal help. You can do so by retaining representation like an experienced probate attorney in Houston, TX.

Notifying Creditors

Before you can distribute any of your deceased loved one’s money or assets, you may have to notify his or her creditors first. Oftentimes, people have legitimate debts to which creditors can lay claim to and collect even after they die.

Your probate lawyer can notify creditors in writing. He or she will also publish notice in local newspapers and give sufficient warning for creditors to file claims before the estate is otherwise executed and dispersed to heirs.

Identifying Heirs

Your attorney can even petition the court to identify the rightful heirs. You may be in a situation where you need to avoid contention among family members. You can have your lawyer petition the court to determine who will benefit from the estate.

To find out more about the reasons to retain an experienced probate attorney in Houston, TX online, make an appointment or get more details from Katherine Boyd Law.

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