When you get a vehicle, you know you have to insure it, and you may be tempted to get the minimum required coverage. This may satisfy your legal obligations, but could lead to huge expenses if you have an accident. Smart drivers understand their coverage and let their agents guide them when making choices. When choosing Auto Insurance Reading PA professionals can recommend the types and amounts of coverage needed, and tailor policies to drivers’ needs.
Some of the insurance coverage includes:
BODILY INJURY: If you are liable in an accident and someone was injured, this insurance pays for damages and medical expenses.
UNINSURED MOTORIST: When an uninsured driver hits you, your passengers, or family, this coverage pays for medical, bills, but not property.
LOST INCOME: If an accident keeps you from working, loss of income coverage pays you a percentage of your income.
COMPREHENSIVE: This coverage will pay for any damages to your vehicle if it is stolen, you hit an animal, or there for flood damage. It also pays for theft or fire damage. Comprehensive coverage is typically required if you have a car loan.
COLLISION: When you are in an accident, collision pays for damages, and it is usually required when you get a car loan. When you buy this Auto Insurance Reading PA agents will explain the benefits of the various deductibles you can choose. Higher deductibles can lower your insurance premium.
TOWING AND RENTAL: If your car is disabled, this coverage pays for the towing cost, up to the maximum your policy allows. Rental coverage will reimburse you if you need to rent a car due to loss covered by your comprehensive or collision insurance.
GAP COVERAGE: If your vehicle is totaled in an accident, gap coverage can pay the difference between your loan balance and the amount that insurance pays.
When you are buying Auto Insurance Reading PA professionals can ensure that your policy is tailored to fit your driving and lifestyle needs, and gives you the most protection possible. Your agent can save you money by finding every discount and explain how higher deductibles may lower costs.