The Most Common Products Used In Commercial Roof Replacement In Orlando FL

by | Oct 11, 2022 | Roofing Cotractor

The roof of a building is one of the most crucial parts of the structure, as it prevents water damage and helps add structural integrity. While residential roofs are most commonly replaced with shingle products, Commercial roof replacement in Orlando FL will require the use of specialized products.

While there are many options, the following represent the top three choices that building owners use when restoring a roof. Consider using these and ensure that the roof of a structure is watertight and designed to provide protection from the elements for years to come.

Rubber Membrane

One of the most popular products for flat commercial roofs is rubber membranes. Most are one to two inches thick and are applied using an adhesive product. Most rubber membranes provide adequate protection for more than 20 years without needing repair or requiring regular maintenance. Also, they are typically more cost effective than other commercial roofing products and can be installed in a fraction of the time.

Tin Roofing Options

While not as popular as it was years ago, tin is a great option for Commercial Roof Replacement in Orlando FL. Tin is typically installed using rubber grommets and screws, and finished by applying sealant over the joints of the tin panels. They are useful for flat and pitched roof installations and can last for more than 40 years when properly maintained. Tin roofs are typically more expensive but provide long lasting results.

Asphalt Based Products

One of the most cost-effective ways to replace a roof is to use an asphalt based products. The installation team will lay a thin protective coating over the surface of the roof, and then apply an asphalt emulsion product to create a watertight seal. Asphalt based roofs are more affordable, but they do require regular maintenance to maintain a waterproof barrier.

Don’t make replacing a roof harder than it needs to be. Contact the roofing professionals at The Orlando Roofing Company and see how inexpensive a new roof can be. Their team is experienced in replacing commercial and residential roofs and can ensure a structure that is built to stand the test of time. Visit to learn more about the services provided and take the first step in making any structure secure and free from water damage.

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