Cigars have been around since the pilgrims bore fruit with the Indians on the first exploration of Columbus. They hold cultural and influential factors that have shaped the nation into what it is today. Cigars can be enjoyed as a treat, and you can buy cigars easily online. Buying cigars online gives you the chance to learn about different brands and flavours too. Cigar enthusiasts around the world collect such artefacts for historical collections instead of filling their lungs with temporary luxuries. These lists of items are essential to have in a collector or smoker’s inventory as a cigar enthusiast.
Cigar Lighters
Unless you have the power to simultaneously strike a light, you’ll need a flame for your hobby. There are different types of lighters and several techniques to use. Matches and candles are regular household items smokers can obtain easily. Now there are flame lighters that can be used. It’s better than a torch and the flame is cool to the touch in case you forget it’s on or misplace it. Some models have multiple flames for a group party while others have different colours to appease the eye while you enjoy a nice Cuban. There are even different designs that can resemble a Bunsen burner from your high school years.
Cigar Cutters
You will need a cigar cutter unless you are a fan of Phillies Blunts. The most common one seen on TV and reality is the guillotine. It can be a single or a double blade and is nice and sharp. There are handheld and tabletop versions. The double blade only increases accuracy and consistency for a straight sharp cut. You can use scissors, not the arts and crafts type through. This tool fits over the head of the cigar and takes skill to perfect over time. The first few cuts may not be ideal for you, but it cuts nonetheless and is the sole purpose of a cigar cutter. This is one of the preferred tools, but it can suffer from tar build-up over time. It may be considered self-sharpening, but maintenance will be required.
You can find an affordable humidor to hold all of your treasured cigars. It’s recommended that you buy one bigger than the size you require to make up for any new cigars you may purchase. Inexpensive humidors are not bad and it is recommended that you keep them full. Spanish cedar is the preferred material it should be made of since it doesn’t have an over-powering scent if it becomes wet.