Once it’s time to pack up your belongings and move into the freshman dorm, you’ll be able to experience a new type of freedom. Most freshmen don’t know what to do with themselves when they’re in this type of experience. As a result, they have to find new rhythms and routines that work for them and what they need to thrive. This also includes health and wellness routine. Many freshmen don’t consider this routine. As a result, they end up gaining the classic freshman fifteen (pounds). Truthfully, this doesn’t have to be your experience. However, you’ll want to implement a few key practices to succeed.
1. Exercise Daily
Instead of choosing to exercise three or four times a week, it’s a better idea to focus on daily exercise. Not only is it excellent for weight management, but it allows you to work on your mental clarity as well. So many people love the endorphin rush that exercise promotes. Find a great college fitness class that you can enjoy a few nights a week. Go swimming on another night. Lift weights or enjoy a 45-minute ride on the elliptical machine.
2. Eat Healthy Foods
Be mindful of the food you eat as well as the times you eat. Make salad a meal that you consume either at lunch or dinner. When you’re regularly consuming fresh fruits and vegetables consistently, it’ll help you maintain a healthy weight.
3. Get Lots of Rest
Rest is paramount. Don’t try to stay up extremely late with your nose in the books. Instead, focus on managing your daytime hours well. Go to bed early and wake up early. Your mind will be clearer and sharper this way.
As you implement these tips, understand that it will feel like an unusual shift. However, if you start making the changes now, your body will thank you in the long run. A great college fitness class The MAX Challenge of Flemington, clean up your diet, and get lots of rest to decrease your chances of gaining a ton of unwanted pounds.