Three Steps to Take After a Rideshare Accident Happens in San Antonio

by | Jul 12, 2023 | Lawyers

Rideshare companies offer a great service for someone who can’t drive, doesn’t have a car, or both. Unfortunately, these vehicles aren’t exempt from getting into accidents. It’s understandable to wonder what to do if you’re a passenger in a crashed rideshare vehicle.

Get Out of the Vehicle

If you’re a passenger in a rideshare vehicle, there’s at least one other person in this car with you. It’s also possible that you traveled with multiple passengers. Regardless of how many occupants are in this vehicle, determine if you can safely help them out of this vehicle.

Contact Emergency Services

The next step is to call 911. During this call, it’s helpful to describe where you’re at. Understandably, you’re likely going to feel a rush of adrenaline after this accident. Taking deep breaths can help you stay calm as you speak with a 911 operator. Soon, law enforcement and medical professionals will arrive on the scene. Once law enforcement arrives, they’ll typically speak with each person involved in this accident.

File a Lawsuit

Accidents cost money and time to recover from. That said, you might be able to obtain damages from the other party that cover your expenses. First, you’ll need to contact a rideshare accident attorney in San Antonio. An attorney can help you navigate the complexities of a rideshare accident claim.

If you need someone to help represent you after a rideshare accident, contact a rideshare accident attorney in San Antonio at the Law Office of Jesse Hernandez. Visit for more information!

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