Your hair is one of the first things that people notice about you, so you’ll want healthy, vibrant locks that give them a good impression. Here are just a few trade secrets for cultivating great hair.
1. Experiment with Different Products
There’s no “holy grail” of hair products. Everyone has a different scalp, so depending on whether your hair is fine, thick, straight, curly, dry, or oily, you might need different hair care products than your neighbor. Don’t be afraid to try various brands. Make sure to note which ingredients deliver results for you and which do not.
2. Treat Problems
It might sound like a no-brainer, but some people go into denial when they start graying or balding. Rather than sticking your head in the proverbial sand, take action to correct the flaws or imperfections of your scalp. For example, if you’ve experienced a large amount of hair loss, look into getting a follicular unit extraction or FUE hair transplant in Chicago.
3. Evaluate Your Water Quality
Last but not least, if you’ve been having persistent problems with your hair, your water quality might be to blame. If your shower is pumping out water with lots of calcium deposits or build-up, it could be impacting your hair health. Look into getting filters and other fixes for your showerhead.
These are just a few tips for improving the appearance of your hair. If you’re ready to try something like an FUE hair transplant in Chicago, then reach out to Ashpole Plastic Surgery.