Tips And Checklists For Residential HVAC Service In Sarasota FL

by | Sep 22, 2018 | HVAC

Residential HVAC Service in Sarasota FL is needed for all the three components of the HVAC system at the heating, ventilation and air conditioning system. The systems must be clean, lubricated, the coolant level must be maintained and the fans and duct works must be clean and healthy to keep the system operational and provide maximum efficiency. These systems are usually robust and easy to maintain. Regular service also saves the higher cost or repairs and parts replacement.

Preliminary Steps For HVAC Service In Sarasota

To verify proper functioning of your system, make sure that the power supply to units is functional and uninterrupted. If you find fuses that are blown or circuit breakers that are tripped, it needs to be replaced. Any separate power switch in the unit should be turned on. Thermostat or temperature controls should be functional and clean. Secure any lose wires. Check the thermostat settings. For gas units, the pilot light should be on and the gas supply should be operational.

HVAC Service In Sarasota For Air Conditioners, Heaters and Air ducts

Regular service for air conditioners includes the checking of coolant level and to make sure that the compressor has adequate pressure. Coolant level needs to be maintained as per the manufacturer’s specification and not at a higher or lower level. The compressor coils should be clean and condensation free. If there are air leaks, it needs to be plugged in and all fittings and tubing connections should be sealed. Condenser and evaporator should be cleaned.

For heating units or furnaces whether using an open flame or electricity, the airflow must be free of obstruction. Gas powered burners can develop corrosion over time and should be repaired. Service technician needs to check the flame temperature. The coils and furnace should be cleaned. If the fan belt has worn out, it needs to be replaced.

The fan should be clean of any buildup or dirt. Duct work should be clean to maintain the air quality and if there are any leaks in the duct work, it needs to be sealed with insulation or tape.

Safety During HVAC Service In Sarasota

Follow these simple steps to ensure the safety of you and your loved ones while doing HVAC service in Sarasota:

* The power to the unit must be off, trip the circuit breaker that controls the power in the mains panel. If the furnace has a different panel, remove the fuse in that panel.

* If you suspect an electrical problem with furnace, do not try to do it yourself. Hire professional help. If the heating and/or cooling system trips frequently under operational mode, then an electrical issue is a suspect.

* For gas furnaces, if you smell gas, get out of the house, leave the door open and call the Gas Company and fire department.

* Plan your annual HVAC service in Sarasota at the end of the heating season.

Schedule maintenance for Residential HVAC Service Sarasota FL that will ensure maximum efficiency for your heating and cooling systems. Talk to Refrigeration Systems today about your needs.

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