Tips for Capturing the Best Real Estate Images to Sell a Home

by | Jul 1, 2019 | Photography & videography

When you’re trying to sell a home, it’s helpful to have images for potential buyers to see before they take a tour of the house. Sometimes, the details that are seen in the images can lead to an initial offer until the person is able to come to see the interior of the home to get more information. One of the things to have on hand for real estate photography in NJ is a tripod. This piece of equipment allows you to have a sturdy base for your camera so that you can capture just the right angles inside and outside the home without a shaky hand. The right lighting when taking pictures of real estate, try to have a few different types of flash kits on hand. These will give you the best light possible inside the home, even in areas where there is no natural light or where the lighting isn’t the best. Another benefit of multiple flashes for real estate photography in NJ is so that you can capture the beauty and the details of larger rooms in one image instead of using a single flash in one area of the room and then taking pictures in other areas because of the lack of lighting. To capture rooms all in one shot, a wide angle lens is beneficial to have as well. This will allow you to capture the entire room at one time instead of repositioning the camera to capture other details. You’ll also be able to edit the images at one time instead of trying to piece multiple pictures together. To stay organized, make sure you have the proper contracts before you begin taking pictures inside a home. You also need to have insurance coverage in the event that there is any damage that occurs to the home while you’re inside. Try to be as flexible as possible because some homeowners might not be able to have pictures taken when your schedule is open. Keep a few appointments available during evening hours for homeowners or real estate agents who are only available during this time of the day.

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