Whenever you mail out a package or letter, it’s advised to include a return address label in case it must be returned. These labels are also an indicator of the individual or business that has sent the item. While you can spend the money buying your pre-printed return address labels, blank return address labels can be a great way to save some money and design your own.
Reflect Your Business
If you are using the blank return address labels for your business purposes, it’s important to ensure they reflect your branding. Not only should you print your logo on the label itself, but consider choosing ink colors that either complement your branding or come directly out of your logo. However, be careful to choose colors that will be easy to read. Yellows and certain shades of other colors may not be as visible, which can result in other problems.
Test It on Plain Paper
Sometimes the printed product looks much different than it does on the computer when you design it. First and foremost, print it out on a blank sheet of white paper to get an idea of what the colors will look like. If you are happy with the result, try printing out one sheet of blank return address labels. Avoid printing out multiple pages before you are sure the result will be what you want. If the first page turns out, continue printing as many as you need.
Buying your own blank address labels and printing them yourself can be a great way to save money. It also allows you to design them precisely the way you want them. With no minimums to print, you will be able to get exactly the number you need whenever you require them.