Tips for hiring high quality movers in Irvine CA

by | May 13, 2020 | Moving

Every year in the United States millions of people move. The fact that most of them go quite smoothly is not down to luck; it means that the homeowner took the time to ensure they were hiring a quality moving company like All Century Moving in Irvine VA. Those people that don’t take the time are invariably the ones that suffer from moves that don’t go according to plan. It is in your best interest to choose from amongst the best Irvine moving companies and to keep yourself informed every step of the way. Here are a few valuable tips that can help ensure you get the best.

*Don’t accept a phoned in quote: Never accept a quote over the phone or by email. A high quality mover will never quote unless they have visited your home to see what they have to move. The best Irvine moving companies will send an experienced estimator to your home and estimate the weight and cube.

*A cursory glance is not good enough: An estimator that is in and out without taking the time to research everything and look everywhere will never offer an accurate quote. The estimator should not only evaluate everything that is going but also question you on what to expect at the other end.

*No need for a large deposit: Reputable Irvine moving companies will not demand a large up-front payment; they will be happy to accept payment once the job is finished. It is always best to use a check or credit card as you have a formal record of having paid in full.

*Always get references: Ask the movers in Irvine CA that are on your short list for a list of references, people that you can contact that have used their services recently. Contact these people and get their first hand impression of their experiences.

If you opt to pack yourself be aware that the moving company will not be responsible for any damage although they will take responsibility for anything that is found to be missing. As long as you take the time to fully understand what is expected of both you and the company you can expect the move to go smoothly.

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