Tips for Preparing for Root Canals in Billings MT

by | Oct 22, 2019 | Dentistry

There are multiple reasons a person might need Root Canals in Billings MT. A root canal procedure sounds scary, but it really is not. This procedure is fairly straightforward and can be done in the dentist’s office. Because the patient is completely numb, they will not feel any discomfort during or after the procedure.

What to Expect

When the dentist does a root canal, they first numb the area with a local anesthetic. Once the patient is completely numb, the dentist can start the process of carrying out the Root Canals in Billings MT.

A root canal first begins with the opening of the tooth. The dentist will open the tooth and then use special tools to remove the diseased soft tissue inside the tooth. Once this tissue is removed, the dentist will use canal files to clean out the minute hollow tubes of the roots. This process is imperative for ensuring the tooth is completely clean inside.

If there was any infection inside the tooth, the dentist will first pack the tooth with antibiotics. The tooth cannot be sealed until the dentist is certain the infection has been successfully treated.

Once treatment has been completed, the dentist will fill the inside of the tooth with a special material called gutta-percha. This spongy material is made from a natural rubber-like material that is able to expand and contract as needed. This allows tooth temperature changes to occur without causing tooth damage.

The Finishing Treatment

Once the tooth has been packed, it will be sealed with a hard sealant on the top. This sealant helps to ensure the tooth does not become damaged. In some cases, individuals will need to have a crown put in place, especially if the damage was severe.

A root canal can help save your tooth from loss. If you would like to learn more about this or other treatments, visit Call the office right away if you would like to schedule a consultation.

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