Top 3 Reasons Why You Should Avoid Free Single Dating Sites

by | Jan 8, 2019 | Matchmaking

When it comes to dating, one of the more popular methods that people are subscribing to is through singles dating sites. They say it’s faster, more convenient, and more exciting. However, this method doesn’t fit everybody, and it might not be the right match for you. Wondering why the good old-fashioned way of meeting up and dating is still the best method of dating? Here are the top 3 reasons why you should avoid singles dating sites:

  1. It can be unsafe

There are plenty of risks that come with online dating, and one of these is that it can be unsafe. There are no guarantees that the person you’re meeting up with is an actual person, or who they say they are. Plenty of accounts have stated that blind dates from online dating sites have led to some form of harassment, or at the very least marred expectations. Avoid this by choosing a partner whom you already know intimately, and whom you can trust.

2. There’s no guarantee of a long-term relationship

A lot of people on online dating sites are just out there for fun. Few of them take their credentials seriously, and if you’re looking for a serious relationship, then this isn’t the place for you. Some people may send rude or unwanted messages that you may not be ready for in that stage of a relationship.

3. Anyone can make an account

In relation to the previous two points, the accessibility of online dating is a double-edged sword. Anyone can make an account and fake identity. This means that you may be deceived by people whom you don’t know, and would never have the privilege of knowing because of the platform you’ve chosen. A cozier, more intimate setup is usually necessary in getting to know someone, and the internet just isn’t the place for that.

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