Top Reasons to Consider Trying Sedation Dentistry Services in Kona

by | Oct 2, 2018 | Dental Health

The goal of any dentist is to provide superior oral health services, while creating a welcoming and relaxing environment for their patients. Some patients, however, may find themselves needing sedation before an appointment. There are several instances when a patient should consider trying Sedation Dentistry Services in Kona.

Gripped with Fear

Some people have an overwhelming fear of visiting the dentist. This phobia is sometimes so intense that a person will forgo dental checkups altogether. If someone experiences uncontrollable anxiety when seeing their dentist, they should inquire about Sedation Dentistry Services in Kona.

Sedation is offered for any type of dental procedure. It doesn’t matter if the patient is coming in for a large filling or simply getting an annual cleaning, sedation can help even the most fearful patients feel relaxed and comfortable. Sedation also makes the patient more likely to follow through with additional treatments.

Shocking Sensitivity

Tooth sensitivity is very common. Although this painful sensation is not considered harmful or dangerous, it can make it uncomfortable to have dental work done. Carter S. Yokoyama D.D.S. offers sedation dentistry to patients who have extremely sensitive teeth.

A patient may be administered laughing gas to help reduce the sensation of pain. If the patient has an exceptional low pain threshold, a local anesthesia may also be offered. Sedation makes it possible for those with sensitive teeth to enjoy a pain-free appointment.

Time Consuming Treatment

While many dental procedures take under an hour to complete, there are some more intensive treatments that last much longer. If the dentist knows a procedure will last for several hours, they may offer sedation to keep the patient relaxed.

Depending on the type of sedation that is administered, the patient may have little to no recollection of the treatment. In some cases, they may even sleep through the entire procedure. Long treatments don’t seem quite as long when the patient is under the influence of a sedation medication.

If you are concerned about an upcoming dental procedure, be sure to voice your concerns with your dentist. They may offer a form of sedation to make the appointment more enjoyable. Visit us website to learn about the different types of sedation that are offered.

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