Types Of Debt Solutions In Moncton NB

by | Jul 6, 2016 | Bankruptcy Law

Many people in Moncton NB struggle with debts that they can’t pay. It’s never fun to realize that you’re in over your head or contemplate options like bankruptcy, but there are many debt solutions available to you. Understanding the various types can help you determine which is right for you and your situation.


Consolidating your debts can seem like a pipedream, especially when you see all the scam websites out there. However, it’s an excellent option that is considered less drastic than others. Through consolidation, you will take out a new loan to pay off all existing debts. You will then be required to pay a small portion of that one loan until it is paid off. However, you can sometimes get lower payments and interest rates by doing so.


Managing your debts is also an option, though people in Moncton NB get consolidation and management confused. This is one of many debt solutions that aren’t as drastic as others and can help some people. Through management, you will get help to negotiate new payment plans with your creditors. You’ll still have the same amount of bills to pay, but you may get better interest rates or lower monthly payments.


A settlement is slightly more drastic than the ones listed above. In short, you are telling your creditors that you can’t pay the entire amount, but you can pay some of it now to cancel the debts forever. It can damage your credit score, but some people believe it is better than bankruptcy. However, you may be expected to pay up to 60 percent (and sometimes more) of your original debts, making it tough for some people without any extra income or money.


Bankruptcy is the most popular of debt solutions in Moncton NB, even though it is the most drastic of options. Through bankruptcy, you will be absolved of all or most of your unsecured debt and can still keep your home and vehicle, as well as other exempted assets. Visit Powell Associates Ltd.

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