Understanding and Treating Diabetic Eye Disease in Boca Raton: A Brief Fact Guide

by | Nov 14, 2018 | Eye Care

The National Eye Institute recently issued a compilation of eye disease statistics, and one of the most disconcerting figures in the report was the cumulative financial drain of ocular ailments on the US medical sector. Between glaucoma, AMD, cataracts, refractive complications, and several other pervasive disorders, the yearly spending on eye maladies in North America just exceeded $139 billion.

However, one of the most underpublicized vision-related infirmities is diabetic eye disease, which is scientifically denoted as diabetic retinopathy.

What is Diabetic Retinopathy?

Diabetic eye disease is a consequence of inadequately regulated blood sugar and alternative complications associated with substandard insulin responses.

It causes harm and destruction to the delicate capillaries and veins around the retina, which ultimately culminates in vexatious eye floaters, patchy peripheral vision, leaky fluid discharge, deficiencies with color acuity, and other problematic symptoms. Occasionally, the condition will also lead to the irregular growth of blood vessels on the exterior of the retina and degenerate towards eventual blindness.

Unfortunately, it is estimated that more than 11 million people in the United States will develop diabetic eye disease by the year 2030 – a 32% increase over the current demographics.

What Can I Do About It?

If you are struggling with diabetic eye disease in Boca Raton, the first thing you have to do is moderate your blood sugar levels and keep a keen eye on your alimentary habits, but you’ll want to take a few extra steps to regain, maintain, and preserve your eyesight.

That being said, medical specialists suggest that you should place a greater emphasis on rectifying the symptoms by arranging a Vitreolysis procedure at your local clinic. This non-intrusive solution only takes about 20 minutes to complete, it will not subject you to any discomfort or pain, and two quick sessions will significantly assuage the chronic symptoms stemming from diabetic retinopathy.

So, make sure that you take a minute to visit our official website and read through the Vitreolysis summary before reaching out to see if you’re a viable candidate for this extraordinary cure.

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