Cuban cigars are perhaps the most popular on the planet. Many experienced smokers and cigar enthusiasts insist that they are the best a person can buy. But are they truly superior to non-Cuban varieties? Here’s more info on the divide between Cuban devotees and those who aren’t so sure:
Claims About the Cuban
What makes Cuban cigars special? No one can really be sure. While some might argue that it’s the craftsmanship that still goes into these artisan cigars, not all Cuban cigars are made the way they once were. Likewise, many cigars from other nations can be manufactured using the same processes and still not offer the same flavor and depth that a Cuban cigar does.
The more likely answer is that Cuban-grown tobacco is simply different. The optimal climate for growth in the area gives the tobacco a richer, bolder flavor and better texture, making it perfect for cigars. Tobacco sourced from other regions just can’t mimic this natural optimization, meaning it will never quite touch the taste of a Cuban.
Different Smokes for Different Folks
No matter how many smokers believe that Cuban cigars are superior, they’re never going to be for everyone. Just as flavors in foods or types of beverages are not going to please everyone, so too can Cuban cigars not be the perfect fit for every smoker.
There are many non-Cuban cigars that are just as popular as their Cuban counterparts. People who prefer a lighter flavor may like non-Cuban cigars better for that reason. Likewise, there are myriad options available in cigars from other areas that might not be offered by Cuban manufacturers. It all depends on what you enjoy!
When it comes down to it, Cuban cigars are popular for good reason. That doesn’t mean they’re inherently better for you or any other smoker, though. The best way to determine what you prefer is to buy a variety online to save on costs, enjoy each individually as its own smokers’ treat, and reorder your favorites in bulk.