Understanding Drunk Driving Laws and Penalties in Wauwatosa, WI

by | Jan 31, 2023 | Lawyer

Operating while intoxicated is a serious crime and moving violation. Drivers convicted of an OWI could face jail time, driver’s license suspension, and fines. Review what you should do after being charged with an OWI to become prepared for your case.

Request an Additional Sample for Testing

After you are arrested, officers can demand testing to determine the amount of alcohol or controlled substances in your bloodstream. If they test you, it is wise to request an additional blood sample for your attorney. If the test results aren’t the same, you could have a defense against the charge. The state must prove that you were intoxicated or under the influence of controlled substances to convict you.

Refusing Chemical Testing

You should know the penalties for chemical testing refusals when understanding what you should do after being charged with an OWI. Wisconsin is an implied consent state; if you don’t complete the breathalyzer test, the state adds more charges. By refusing to take a breathalyzer, you could get up to one year’s driver’s license suspension. The state will claim that you were trying to hide that you were intoxicated.

Request an Attorney

When you are arrested for OWI, you must take a breathalyzer test. However, you are not required to answer any questions without an attorney present. An OWI lawyer Wauwatosa could help you build a defense and avoid a conviction.

OWI, or operating while intoxicated, is a severe offense in Wisconsin. You could lose your driving privileges, face hefty fines, and face jail time.

Contact an OWI lawyer at Michael Hayes, LLC today

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