Understanding NAD IV Treatment for Drug Addiction in Missouri

by | Feb 23, 2022 | Earticles Site

Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) might sound like a bewildering chemistry topic, but it’s simply a coenzyme produced naturally by the human body. Reserves can become depleted due to stress, chronic anxiety and aging. Dependency on alcohol and other mind-altering drugs also can reduce levels of this coenzyme. NAD IV treatment for drug addiction helps people manage cravings and decrease withdrawal symptoms when they decide to quit.

About NAD

NAD is the main metabolically active form of niacin, known as vitamin B3. Taking niacin supplements can boost levels in the body, but infusions bypass the digestive system. That decreases the amount of this nutrient lost during digestion. The coenzyme is sent directly to the cells, where it is absorbed more effectively.

NAD Activity

The coenzyme is important for cellular health. NAD converts food into cellular energy, improves cellular communication and stimulates mitochondrial DNA repair. With NAD IV treatment for drug addiction, cells that have been damaged by substance abuse begin to be restored. The person feels more energetic, has a clearer mind, and is better able to deal with cravings.

Treatment Time Frame

Depending on the patient and the practitioner, treatments may last from one to four hours. The IV therapy may be provided daily for up to 10 days. Patients are encouraged to eat nutrient-rich foods as a complementary strategy for helping the body heal from substance abuse.

Starting recovery can be difficult, and many people need assistance with the process. To learn more about this drug addiction treatment, interested men and women may visit the website.

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