Certified Public Accountants or CPA are accountants which have passed the Uniform Certified Public Accountant Examination as well as any additional individual state requirements for education and experience. To maintain this certification accountants are usually required to have continuing professional education or development. cpa williamsburg va can provide a variety of services for your business or individual financial needs. Perhaps the most commonly known CPA service is tax preparation but using them only for this service puts you at a disadvantage when tax season comes around. Your CPA Williamsburg VA can also provide you with advice throughout the tax year. They are current on new tax legislation for both federal and state tax agencies. This knowledge helps them keep you aware on any possible tax breaks that might benefit you or your business.Investment and financial planning for the individual or family can be a difficult task. The amount of information one must review can be staggering. Add to that the difficulties of understanding the effects of the various tax laws, exemptions and qualifications and you have a recipe for disaster. Your CPA Williamsburg VA can help by reviewing your financial status and investment portfolio for any possible problems. They can provide you with advice for retirement, methods of estate planning and asset protection to ensure the stability of your financial future.
For your business cpa williamsburg va offers a variety of financial accounting services including but not limited to book keeping, payroll services, financial statements, accounting setups for new businesses and tax returns. They also provide financial management strategies, information on tax liabilities and help with acquisitions or the sale of a business. Outsourcing many of these clerical functions can save your business money. For example, outsourcing your payroll eliminates the need for a payroll department while offering your employees the benefits of electronic access to their payroll information.As technology changes, so do accounting needs. Your CPA should be able to provide software consulting for applications such as Quicken, Peachtree and QuickBooks. They should also work to keep you informed on new tax laws and ways to protect yourself or your business from financial disaster.