Every neighborhood has a particular tone or atmosphere. One of the things that contributes to establishing the tone in a neighborhood is the lighting. Streetlamps offer illumination and add to the beauty of the area. Look at three things streetlamps can do for a neighborhood in a suburb.
Enhance the Design of the Homes in the Area
Streetlamps are available in a variety of designs from vintage to modern and everything in between. The glass covering also lends to the style of a streetlamp. That’s why it’s so important to take care when choosing lamp post glass replacements. If you have a neighborhood full of homes with a 19th century design, then Victorian streetlamps would be a nice touch. Alternatively, if the homes in the area are more modern, a streetlamp with prismatic glass would be appropriate. Streetlamps can definitely reflect and enhance the design of houses in a neighborhood.
Provides Soft Light to Increase Safety
Of course, streetlamps illuminate streets and sidewalks increasing the safety factor in a neighborhood. When a street is well-lit, drivers can see people on bicycles, neighbors walking dogs, and other objects more clearly. It’s best to evaluate how many streetlamps are needed to cover all of the darkest areas of a neighborhood along with the main streets.
Makes Homes Easy to Find
Streetlamps positioned throughout a neighborhood help visitors to find particular houses. It’s easier to read the house numbers on mailboxes and even posted next to front doors. This makes a neighborhood a lot more inviting to visitors as well as people interested in buying.
Finally, getting the right lamp post glass replacements when needed and maintaining all of the streetlamps are two things that can improve the look and feel of a community.