What are the causes of slow internet connections?

by | Aug 27, 2013 | Computer And Internet

There are a number of different ways to get connected to the internet and all of them can slow down to nothing more than a crawl. Certainly there are times when the traffic on the net is high and there simply is not enough band width to accommodate all the connections but more often the problem has to do with malware, spyware, adware and other malicious bits of software that invade your computer. There is no reason to call for computer repair in Nassau County the moment your computer slows down but if it becomes endemic, some kind of help is definitely needed to restore the speed.

Of all the things that can slow your computer to a crawl, it is most often a virus or a Trojan that is residing on the hard drive of your computer. Getting a virus is not all that hard, many of them are attached to emails or an email that invites you to visit a web site which will infect you the moment you do. However the virus gets on your computer, it becomes integrated into the computer software, eating up valuable resources. When the computer has to share resources with a virus, a slowdown in the internet service is going to happen. If you even consider going on the internet without anti-virus software installed and up to date, you are asking for trouble and there is little doubt that you will have to have a professional technician who is familiar with all aspects of computer repair in Nassau County remove the virus.

Trojans are just as bad as viruses when it comes to slowing the computer down. A Trojan usually gets on the computer in the same way as a virus, attached to a piece of malicious email. The strange part is; the mail is probably from a trusted source. A Trojan grabs hold of the address book of your email, it in turn sends the same message that you received to every one of your contacts. You can imagine how quickly a Trojan can spread. Fortunately, the producers of anti-virus software quickly identify them and add the definition to their package, stopping the Trojan dead in its tracks as long as the Trojan is not designed to shut down the computer if an attempt is made to remove it.

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