What Can Individuals Expect From a Veterans Burial Gainesville FL?

by | Dec 4, 2018 | Cremation Service

Veterans deserve to have a special burial that honors their service in the military, no matter when or how they served. Those burying a veteran need to be aware of their options and what the VA will cover, so they can be properly prepared for their Veterans Burial Gainesville FL. The Veteran’s Association offers a burial and funeral benefit to the families of deceased veterans.

Understanding What the VA Covers

When a veteran dies, the VA does reimburse the family for some of the costs they incur as a result of the death. For service deaths, the VA will pay up to two-thousand dollars in funeral and burial costs. Non-service related deaths have a benefit of $780. These amounts are subject to change, as the VA increases the amounts, due to changes in funeral and burial costs. The following requirements must be met to receive the reimbursement.

  • The funeral must have been paid for by the individual and they must not have received any other government reimbursement.
  • The veteran must not have been discharged dishonorably.
  • The individual must produce a death certificate that meets the demands of the VA.
  • The individual will need to produce a statement of account that is on the letterhead of the funeral director, so the bill amount can be verified.

Start Planning a Veteran’s Funeral

When individuals are planning a Veterans Burial Gainesville FL, the process is not so easy. Taking the steps to properly honor a veteran can be difficult when a person is going through the grieving process. Hiring a funeral director to help with the decision-making and planning process can be beneficial in reducing stress.

If you need help with burying a veteran, learn more about the services of a funeral director. With these services, you will be able to rest assured all of the details are properly taken care of, so you can ensure your veteran is properly honored in their funeral and burial. If you are interested in getting help with funeral and burial planning, contact Crevasse’s Simple Cremation Inc. right away. They will be happy to assist you through the process. You can also connect them on Facebook.

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