What Happens To A Divorce Case In The Middle Of The Coronavirus Pandemic?

by | May 29, 2020 | Divorce Lawyer

While the COVID-19 or coronavirus pandemic is a challenge to everyone in Arlington, Texas, and the surrounding areas, it can seem devastating to those who are in the process of a divorce. Many people have agonized for years about going through the process, only to find courts are closed, and there will be a backlog of cases on the dockets once they open again.

The good news is that a family law attorney can provide specific information on starting your divorce case or on options to complete your divorce as quickly as possible. Thanks to the technology in place today, including the ability to file much of the required paperwork online, it is possible to get a lot of the groundwork completed through virtual meetings and discussions with your Arlington divorce attorney.

Collaborative Divorce

A family law attorney may recommend a collaborative divorce during this time of social distancing and courtroom closures. This divorce process encourages the collaboration or working together of the spouses and their respective attorneys to create an agreed-upon divorce settlement.

This can be comprehensive and settle all issues, including property division, financial matters, parenting time, and other issues. The final determination is up to the spouses, with insight from their family law attorney and other professionals. Financial planners, tax accountants, and other professionals can also provide information to clarify issues.

Once the terms of the divorce are agreed up, the paperwork can be signed and filed, with most family courts finalizing these types of divorces without the need for an appearance.

Online Mediation

A family law attorney may also recommend online mediation as a way to create an agreed-upon settlement to allow the divorce to proceed. Virtual meeting platforms such as Skype, GoToMeeting, and Zoom can be used to allow for a virtual meeting of the lawyers, spouses, and the mediator.

The key issue to consider is the ability of the spouses to work together to agree on a settlement of all matters in the divorce. In many cases, this mutually acceptable and agreeable outcome is possible, and it can help couples in the Arlington, Texas area to move through their divorce as quickly as possible.

If you have questions for a family law attorney about your divorce, contact the team at Orsinger, Nelson, Downing & Anderson, LLP.

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