What Is a Water Softener and How Do They Work

by | Nov 22, 2024 | Plumbing and Plumbers

Water softeners transform very hard water into soft water. This is done by reducing the mineral content in the water. Hard water contains mostly calcium and magnesium, and this can contribute to the many problems that people have in their homes. Soft water has little mineral content, making it more desirable. A water softener replaces the minerals that are present in hard water by adding sodium. Sodium is very beneficial in this case, because it does not accumulate in pipes, and it also does not react to any form of kitchen detergent or soap. With this simple addition, all effects of hard water are eliminated.

How Do Water Softeners Work?

A water softener is an appliance that can be automatic or manual, and it ensures that enough sodium is in the water to eradicate the harsh chemicals that are present in water. In most cases, they contain a layer of small plastic beads that are combined with Zeolite. Water travels through these beads, and then comes into contact with sodium. The Zeolite beads then become saturated with magnesium and calcium, and the end result is soft water. The process is very simple. Water softeners are easily accessible and affordable. You can purchase them from any company that deals in water softeners in Saskatoon. The salt that is needed to refill the softener can be found at most major supermarkets and department stores.

Easy and Efficient

Water softeners can make a real difference to the water quality in your home, Soft water does not contribute to lime scale build-up, and it makes household cleaning much easier. Many water softeners do not come with a salt indicator, so it is vital that you check your appliance regularly to ensure that it does not need refilling. If your water softener runs out of salt, then you may experience hard water again as the machine carries on working, even though there is no presence of salt. Salt-based water softeners are not 100% efficient. However, they can transform up to 80% of hard water to soft water in one cycle. You can also purchase energy efficient models, which use up to 60% less salt and up to 75% less water regeneration. Whatever your reason for purchasing a water softener may be, there are plenty of energy efficient options available.

For more details, visit Perfection Plumbing & Drain Cleaning Ltd.

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