What to Expect from a Neck Lift

by | Aug 20, 2020 | Plastic Surgeon

The first signs of aging for most people are wrinkles around the eyes. But the next, and often more troubling, sign is loose skin around the neck. Many women resort to wearing scarves to hide sagging skin and wrinkles after the age of 45 or 50, but some seek out a Neck Lift Lakeview, which is a cosmetic surgical procedure. A neck lift can improve the appearance of sagging or excess skin as well as removing fat around the neck. The term neck lift isn’t a single procedure but rather refers to various surgeries designed to achieve similar goals.

When a patient consults a cosmetic surgeon, the surgeon will recommend a treatment based on the patient’s condition and desired outcome. For sagging under the chin, for example, the surgeon may recommend a surgery that involves removing excess skin and shortening local muscles. Liposuction, on the other hand, might be used to remove excess fat around the neck. Botox injections might be used in addition to the surgery to relax muscles that create the look of bands around the neck.

Before the surgery, patients may be prescribed an antibiotic to prevent infection. In addition, patients are asked to refrain from using aspirin, which is a blood thinner and could cause excessive bleeding during surgery. Smoking is also prohibited for a period of time before and after the procedure.

Some surgeries can be done with a combination of local anesthesia and sedation, but longer or more complex surgeries will more likely require general anesthesia. Patients can discuss anesthesia options before the surgery and determine the safest type of anesthesia for the comfort level they need.

For most people, recovery requires staying home from work for a week or more. A patient should arrange to have someone stay with him or her for the first 24 hours after surgery and, after that, the patient will still need to rest and refrain from most activity. Ice packs can be used to help minimize swelling and ease discomfort. In addition, the patient will be prescribed pain medicine to aid recovery.

Patients should expect sensations of pain, numbness, and tingling in the face and neck after surgery. However, the majority of patients experience a full recovery within several weeks and are pleased with their younger-looking appearance. For more information about a Neck Lift Lakeview and other types of cosmetic surgery, contact Adam J. Cohen, MD.

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