If you are fortunate enough to have several trees on your property, or are thinking about planting more, you may have heard that you need to perform annual tree pruning Richmond VA. Do you know what is involved in yearly tree pruning Richmond VA and how much you are expected to prune each year?
While it’s entirely possible to hire a professional tree service Richmond VA, basic tree pruning Richmond VA can be done each year before calling out the professionals. How much you prune from your tree depends on several factors: the type of tree you are growing, the age of the tree, what shape you want the mature tree, to have, and what buildings or structures the tree is growing near.
Contrary to popular belief, tree branches do not grow up higher from the ground. So if your tree has a limb or branch that is growing from the tree three feet from the ground, that branch will stay three feet from the ground as it thickens and the tree matures. When you are pruning your trees, this is important to keep in mind so that you can plan for the future. The ideal height for the lowest branches on an average tree is five to six feet in the air, to give a grown adult plenty of room to walk and work underneath comfortably. Until your tree reaches full maturity, all the limbs should be considered temporary.
As your tree grows, check that the new growth on the branches is keeping with the general outline you desire from your tree. Don’t be afraid to trim or prune branches down to keep the tree from being too crowded while it is still growing. By pruning all but the best branches, you allow your tree to focus it’s energy on the branches that will be kept as the tree reaches maturity.
If, at any time, you begin to feel uncomfortable performing your own tree pruning Richmond VA, remember that there are professionals who are willing to help. Once your tree gets taller, it can be dangerous to prune them back without the proper safety equipment and the professional tree services can ensure that the job is done quickly, efficiently, and safely.
To learn more about how to find the right tree pruning company in Richmond VA, visit the RL Elliott Enterprices, INC at Website Domain.