Who Should Consider Contacting a Malpractice Lawyer in Louisville, KY?

by | Jan 2, 2024 | Earticles Site

Getting hurt or suffering injuries due to the negligence of a medical practitioner can be a traumatic experience. In such cases, hiring a malpractice lawyer in Louisville, KY is the best way to ensure that the responsible party is held accountable. Medical malpractice occurs when a healthcare provider fails to provide a reasonable level of care, which leads to a patient’s injury or harm.

This blog will discuss the possible scenarios where a person should contact a malpractice lawyer in Louisville, KY.

Wrongful Death

Deaths caused by the careless or intentional actions of a medical practitioner may qualify as wrongful death. This is a situation where a family or loved ones of a deceased individual file a lawsuit against a medical practitioner responsible for the death. The medical malpractice lawyer can help the family ascertain the medical error or negligence leading to the death and file a lawsuit against the responsible party.


Incorrect diagnosis results from medical professionals misinterpreting or disregarding patient symptoms, test results, or medical history. Such cases can be life-threatening and lead to severe health complications or injuries.

A misdiagnosis lawsuit is filed when a person suffers injuries due to the misreading or overlooked of a certain condition or disease. A malpractice lawyer, such as Winton & Hiestand Law Group, PLLC, can help identify the specialist who should have diagnosed the patient and prove that the physician who recognizes the condition failed to order appropriate tests or procedures.

Surgical Errors

Surgical procedures, whether minor or major, carry associated risks and complications. Despite years of education and training, medical practitioners may perform a surgery incorrectly, leading to an injury or harm to the patient.

The malpractice lawyer can build a case around the surgical procedures, review medical records and any video footage of the procedure, and identify any violation of established medical standards. If the surgery was avoidable or unnecessary, you may have a case of medical malpractice.

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